Welcome to the official City of Chicago Website. The source for information about City services, departments, programs and initiatives, and officials for Chicago residents, businesses, and visitors.
As a multicultural city that thrives on the harmony and diversity of it's neighborhoods, Chicago today embodies the values of America's heartland-integrity, hard work and community- and reflects the ideals in the social fabric of its 77 distinct neighborhoods.
Today, Chicago has become a global city, a thriving center of international trade and commerce, and a place where people of every nationality and background come to pursue the American dream. Indigenous Chicago
The City of Chicago Government collaborates with several external entities, including other City agencies, County Government, and State Agencies. Click on the links below to be routed to popular services provided by these non-city agencies, and to find direct links to their websites.
CAREERS is available 24/7 and allows users to search for employment with the City of Chicago, review job announcements, complete a candidate profile, and apply for open positions - all without a single sheet of paper!
The City of Chicago is located on Lake Michigan, in Cook County, in northeastern Illinois. City government is divided into executive and legislative branches. The mayor is the chief executive while the City Council, elected from 50 wards, is the legislative body.
City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Street Chicago, Illinois 60602. By Phone: Dial 311 (within Chicago) If calling from outside of Chicago, call: 312.744.5000 . Online: Fill out the City of Chicago feedback form
economic composition of Chicago. The largest sector in Chicago consists of the Education and Health Services industries, which represents approximately 20% of employees in the City.21 Natural Resources, 0% Construction & Utilities, 4% Financial Activities, 9%
The Chicago Department of Planning and Development (DPD) provides a focused approach to city improvements involving economic development, housing and land use planning initiatives in local neighborhoods.
The City of Chicago, the third most populous city in the United States, was incorporated in 1837. It occupies land area of approximately 228 miles and, according to the 2021 U.S.