The Australian Treasury has released its latest quarterly report on foreign investment, covering the period from 1 July to 30 September 2024 ( Q1 2024/25 ). Some headline statistics and takeaways from ...
From a global perspective, the impact investing market now exceeds USD $1.5trillion and has been the strongest in the UK and the US. The UK, by example, has led the way in terms of scale for impact ...
Victoria’s new regulations are expected to be more detailed and prescriptive, offering a clearer framework for managing mental health risks in the workplace ( see more information about the model WHS ...
ASIC's Concise Statement submitted for its action against FIIG provides some useful guidance on its standards and expectations of AFSL holders' cybersecurity compliance, drawn from ASIC's ...
The Gumatj argued that the appropriation or grant of interests in land over which it held native title rights was an acquisition of property by the Commonwealth, but that the Commonwealth had not done ...
Jesse York, in his capacity as foreign representative of Exactech, sought recognition of the Chapter 11 Proceeding as a foreign main proceeding under art 17 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border ...
The Firstmac case addressed the quantum dispute relating to the contentious civil penalty that arose from the judgment on liability, Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Firstmac Limited ...
Act 2024 ( Merger Reform) introduces significant changes to Australia's merger control regime, and importantly signals increased scrutiny of goodwill protection restraints (including non-competes) in ...
From 1 January 2026, merger parties that trigger defined thresholds must notify the ACCC and obtain clearance prior to completion, or substantial penalties will apply. The final thresholds have not ...
Parties may seek to notify under the new regime from 1 July this year.
Although no specific dates have been confirmed, Titles Queensland has indicated that the process is under development, with the introduction of the new Form 7 Lease designed to facilitate this ...
Parties to a transaction will need to be vigilant to ensure that they are aware of the notification thresholds and what conduct may amount to "putting into effect" a merger prior to an ACCC ...