Governor Hochul advances Suffolk County's State Route 347 bridge project to start in 2028, enhancing traffic flow.
Construction on the Nicolls Road bridge on State Route 347 in South Setauket will come six years earlier than planned, but is ...
The Long Island Regional Planning Council voted Wednesday to allocate $40,000 for improvements to the Long Island Zoning Atlas.
You may have read or heard this morning that Suffolk County Council is proposing to take library services back into its direct care. In practice, this means that very little will change for ...
Suffolk County Council said it "serious concerns" about the viability of Suffolk Libraries which has run the county's libraries since 2012. The decision to bring the service "in house" was ...
SUFFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — A woman was hurt after a shooting in Suffolk on Sunday evening, police said. Around 7:30 p.m., Suffolk police responded to the 1000 block of Davis Boulevard for reports of ...
Each of the recipients will be given a share of £500,000 from Suffolk County Council's Culture Project Fund, with successful bids ranging from £1,500 to £27,000. A panel of experts reviewed 131 ...