Haymitch's Hunger Games win has been the center of several intriguing mysteries for years, and Sunrise on the Reaping should ...
In 41 BC, Cleopatra hosted a dinner to celebrate the Roman leader Mark Antony, who was a well-known party animal. Twelve ...
King Tharypas of Epirus, the pioneering ruler who Hellenized the Molossian kingdom, shaped its cultural, political and ...
Broadcaster and wordsmith Kel Richards has discussed the origins and meaning of “call a spade a spade” with Sky News host ...
It’s a testament to Bong Joon-ho's directorial talent, and Robert Pattinson’s acting, that, despite the mediocre goal that ...
Anaxarchus, a Greek philosopher at Alexander the Great’s court, upheld wisdom and detachment, reflecting on the fleeting ...
Elias Altman has been named a partner at Massie & McQuilkin literary agency, which moving forward will be known as Massie ...
Mike MacIsaac of Saugerties has taken in a Ukrainian family through Welcome Connect, a United States refugee admission ...
IT WAS so hot tourists were collapsing!” my taxi driver proclaims, throwing his hands in the air as he recalls tales of ...
A former Lutheran pastor, Martin Marty rose to become one of the country’s preeminent historians and interpreters of religion ...
They were viewed as being important to Rome’s continued safety and prominence. For example, Plutarch in his “Life of Marius” relates that a priest of the Great Mother came to Rome in 103 B.C. to ...
This decade has seen a 57% increase in student suicides compared with the rates recorded between 2002 and 2011. The population of Gen-Z (those born between 1997 and 2012) in India is currently 472 ...