More than 80% of the nation's electricity already comes from these sources. President makes historic move on controversial ...
Many of today's everyday items are destined to become fossils after millions of years, but scientists have suggested that ...
For years, some people have claimed the sound of wind turbines is a problem. They’d say it disrupts sleep, it causes ...
Bad luck strikes again. The same wind turbine blade that scattered debris across local beaches last summer was apparently ...
New hybrid steel tower variants cover expected volume and make high hub heights available worldwide ...
The iguanas are certainly the largest invasive critter out in Waimanalo but local farmers told KHON2 that the unholy trinity ...
Sweden’s Modvion AB has set its sights even higher for its next generation of wind-turbine towers as the industry’s ...
Old, discarded wind turbine blades don't biodegrade. They do, however, float if sealed. Finnish startup Reverlast is ...
New study showed that short-term exposure to wind turbine noise had no impact on cognitive functions, and 93 pct did not find turbine noise intrusive.
Companion bills proposed by Gov. Kim Reynolds that promote new energy generation, transmission and storage projects, and ...
Seteweela, a 14-year-old golden eagle originally from the San Francisco area, was rendered flightless at about the age of 3 ...