Behind Putin’s war—and any discussions about peace—is a two-century-old fiction about the two countries’ unity.
A peace settlement to end a major war can be an opportunity to reorder the world. After the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte in ...
The collapse of the Soviet Union greatly reduced the West’s fear of another world war—a fear that had led Western leaders to tolerate Soviet spheres of influence in central and eastern Europe. Many ...
Look no further than the Napoleonic Wars and World War II ... America down in a theater of secondary importance while scoring propaganda points in Asia and the larger Cold War.
Famous foreigners have often attracted large American crowds, but neither the Beetles nor the Rolling Stones nor Winston ...
Under Nazi propaganda, this was how the supreme leader’s will was ... Schmitt argued that the failure of Germans to save their country at the end of World War I had “concentrated in” Hitler and ...
Every child should sit down and be told about not just Rome, but more importantly, Athens, and how these societies died by ...