Through hard work and heroic determination, Midoriya earned the respect of these My Hero Academia characters over the course ...
Prime Deku is Deku in the final arc of My Hero Academia where he fully mastered the power of One-for-All (OFA). Prime All Might is All Might during his heyday as the no.1 hero in Japan where he ...
Izuku Midoriya as seen in My Hero Academia: You're Next (Image via BONES) With that, fans praised how well animation studio BONES glazed Deku in My Hero Academia: You're Next. That said ...
My Hero Academia's ending might have gotten's Deku conclusion quite right (Image via Bones). My Hero Academia's ending was originally poorly received but the new chapter 431, which was added in ...
An amazing fanart has brought together all of Deku's variants to shock fans, opening the door to the idea of a My Hero ...
My Hero Academia's best arc was a true masterpiece, but it would have been even better had this section of the anime been a ...
Deku, meanwhile, also has his own final battle to contend with, as he's going one on one with Shigaraki and is struggling to gain the upper hand. Essentially, then, My Hero Academia season 8 comes ...
A fanart on Reddit shows evil variants of Deku from My Hero Academia, referencing the events of Invincible Season 3.