A landfill’s airspace utilization rate is very dependent on its operational processes. In that regard, most folks automatically turn their thoughts to compaction. Certainly, compaction is important, ...
A bill that seeks to compensate people living near the Chiquita Canyon Landfill faces uncertainty amid state budget ...
A smoldering reaction under the Chiquita Canyon Landfill in Southern California has made its neighbors' lives miserable for almost three years.
This week, the state Assembly held its first committee hearing for Assembly Bill 27, a measure that would spare residents of ...
A project proposed by Richmond’s Office of Sustainability could transform a capped landfill east of Richmond’s Oakwood area ...
Renewable natural gas production at Coffin Butte Landfill, in lieu of onsite electric generation, would reduce emissions at the landfill, Reiten said. It would effectively end onsite combustion, at ...
Services Authority board chose to not pay Lynchburg and Campbell County over $7 million in host fees for hosting the region's ...
More than $7 million, promised to Campbell County and the City of Lynchburg as 'host fees' for hosting the region's landfill, ...
Amherst County officials received a presentation March 4 on taking on debt for financing the construction of a second cell at the county’s landfill on Kentmoor Farm Road in Madison Heights.
California environmental regulators are considering rolling back the state's hazardous waste disposal rules, potentially ...