May the power of this weighted eye mask and this roll-on migraine relief stick carry you through the many, many places you ...
The Lord of the Rings film trilogy is iconic today, but at the time it was made, it was a major gamble for the studios and ...
The film shows the Watcher in the Water as a tentacled beast, looking like a sea monster, and while this is accurate, Tolkien ...
The iconic stature achieved by Luke Skywalker has transcended a single movie in the Star Wars franchise. The famous Jedi ...
Rajan Philips Donald Trump is sucking almost all of the world’s political oxygen. Daily he is stealing the headline thunder ...
When I undertook a sociological survey, at the age of 23 years among the Veddas of Wellassa-Bintenne in 1950, I came to ...
The Lord of the Rings has many unique species with Elves being incredibly iconic and also a focus of weird details.
There are 14 books in The Wheel of Time series, plus a prequel. They came out between 1990 and 2013. That's 23 years, ...
With Season 3 of Prime Video's hit sci-fi series returning, here's how to read the books the TV show is based on.
Not only do Moses’s kinsmen, the tribe of Levi, kill 3000 people, but to add insult to injury God also gets into the act and ...
The U.K. Christian right is increasingly drawing on a U.S.-forged playbook. It is also drawing on U.S. money. But the U.K.
Prequels promise to enrich stories, but too many end up answering questions no one asked, while diluting what made the ...