Artemisia Gentileschi once said, “My illustrious lordship, I’ll show you what a woman can do.” This bold statement documented in Bridget Quinn’s “Broad Strokes” encapsulates the fierce determination o ...
Pita Lopez leaves the role of preserving the larger-than-life Georgia O'Keeffe legacy to find her own place in the world.
The 12th edition of the International will be structured around roughly 25 figures, both real and fictional, from a 19th-century saloon owner to the Indigenous author N. Scott Momaday.
106.7 x 40.6 cm. (42 x 16 in.) Subscribe now to view details for this work, and gain access to over 18 million auction results. Purchase One-Day Pass ...
There are no minimums to buy. All In-Stock items leave our facility within 48 hours so you can expect your art in 3-5 business days. FedEx International Economy Will be delivered Within 5 Business ...
which she depicted in her paintings over and over, always empty. The images are austere and abstract: It’s hard to find the magic in the blank black rectangles. But O’Keeffe and Webb ...
Laura Neufeld: I’m Laura Neufeld, associate paper conservator at The Museum of Modern Art, and I’ve had the pleasure of working on the exhibition Georgia O’Keeffe: To See Takes Time with curator ...
In the corner of the room sat a lady dressed in a black cloth coat, smiling like a severe Mona Lisa. She was Georgia O’Keeffe; the paintings on the wall belonged to her because she had made them; for ...