The following are sample forms (consent, assent, etc.) which will need to be modified appropriately for your study and attached to your IRB submission in InfoEd. The use of these templates is not ...
Students of all majors and skill levels are invited to apply to join the 2025-2026 team of think[box] Student Technicians! Applications are now closed. Send questions to [email protected]. Interested ...
Surveys of professional economic forecasters and financial market data can reveal public perceptions about the future conduct of monetary policy. Current estimates suggest that both professional ...
(Photo from DMW Facebook page) MANILA – The Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) led by Secretary Hans Leo Cacdac has facilitated the release and distribution of 42 "balikbayan" boxes to their rightful ...
"The drop in production from Piura region in Peru, of approximately 30%, caused prices to rise to between $30 and $40 per box in December." Exports from Ica were expected to supply the market and ...
PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) protect the germ line by targeting transposable elements (TEs) through the base-pair complementarity. We do not know how piRNAs co-evolve with TEs in chickens. Here we ...