Rising sea levels are a threat to coastal regions everywhere, but especially for islands. No example stands out more than the ...
The New Zealand ruling elite depicts itself as a benevolent colonial ruler defending the Cook Islands from the alleged ...
On the tiny South Pacific island of Niue, a self-governing Polynesian nation with political ties to New Zealand, Niue Blue is ...
Early crew members of the voyaging canoe Hokulea have gathered in Hawaii to celebrate the vessel's 50th birthday. The Hokulea ...
New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon’s scheduled State visit to India (March 17 to March 201) will enhance the strategic partnership between New Delhi and Wellington.
The Cook Islands is a self-governing country in free association with New Zealand which provides budget support and commits to defend the South Pacific nation whose people are New Zealand citizens.
New Zealand’s top spy has warned of the security risks posed by China’s growing influence in the Pacific and said his agency would ramp up scrutiny of the Cook Islands after the nation deepened ties ...
"The Cook Islands is small, and when you sign deals with economic giants like China, you have to question the long-term consequences." ...
The agreement is being denounced as a threat to New Zealand and used to justify its ongoing integration into US-led plans for ...
Given below is the dialing procedure to call Cook Islands From United States. You will find information on how to make an international call from United States to Cook Islands fixed line number or ...
Some 245 years and a month ago, James Cook, after 3 years ... staff are based not only on South Georgia at King Edward Point, but also at offices in the Falkland Islands, Cambridge and the outer ...
The Cook Islands may be small ... often sail warships through the South China Sea. "I'd see it as China wanting to capitalise on the chaotic effect that Trump is having right now," says Mihai Sora, ...