As a member of the school board, my primary responsibilities will be to help set policy and hire and supervise the ...
Western Montgomery County school district saw eighth grade math proficiency soar last year, aims to keep it going.
Overall, the percentage of students from kindergarten to third grade who scored at or above the benchmark in literacy rose ...
According to LDOE, the Freedom Framework for social studies standards references the Gulf in two areas -- fourth and fifth grade. These changes will be enacted in the 2025-2026 school year and schools ...
Kiddom is committed to supporting Virginia teachers and students "raise the floor, and remove the ceiling" for mathematics education by combining high-quality instructional materials with Kiddom's ...
When the pandemic hit, Massachusetts was considered a national leader in education. In reality, reading and math scores have been falling behind since 2015. Since then, the state hasn’t been able to ...
The Saint James eighth grade class recently made its annual visit to the nation’s capital as part of their American History ...
To Kill a Mockingbird,” “The Great Gatsby,” and “Of Mice and Men.” These titles ring a bell for many people in the U.S. and ...
At its most recent meeting, the Bellefonte Area School Board devoted much of its discussion to a proposed update to the district’s elementary English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum. The science of ...
Both elementary and middle school teachers agree that the Twig-brand science curriculum should be adopted for Great Bend ...
What happened: Richard Hornberger, assistant superintendent of secondary education, recommended a new language arts ...