This bill puts into the hands of the government the authority to not only charge the public fees, but to decide how much ...
Texans have the right to watch how tax money is spent and how public officials make decisions. But it takes access to ...
Michigan’s Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act provide a framework. Yet Michigan has a long way to go to meet ...
The salary increases were recommended by a commission filled with former -- and current -- government officials.
March 16-22 is Sunshine Week, a time to celebrate — and defend — state and federal open records laws that ensure the public's ...
Missouri's Sunshine Law is an important tool, but efforts to undermine it are ongoing. Here's how members of the public can ...
From the halls of Congress to the desks of local government officials, too many power brokers work hard to keep us in the ...
Officials often try to hide embarrassing information, so journalists and watchdog groups rely on sunshine laws, such as the ...
This year marks the 20th anniversary of Sunshine Week celebrated nationally to promote the importance of open government at ...
Washington State Attorney General Nick Brown was the keynote speaker at the Washington Coalition for Open Government ...
Penn Township Supervisor Mark Strawser asked for more “transparency” from the Penn Valley Airport Municipal board before ...
As we celebrate Sunshine Week, the work done by Tampa Bay Times/Miami Herald staff to uncover issues with insurance companies in Florida can serve as a good example of how a free press can make a ...