First-time research reveals the Dutch perception on the circularity of wind turbines and turbine blades. Read the findings of ...
The Twin Transition calls for smart technologies that accelerate processes, such as popular AI tools. How can these be used ...
Team Polar, a group of students from Eindhoven University of Technology, is setup for a major challenge. Since 2024 they are developing an autonomous vehicle to make research at the South Pole more ...
Haptics and human-machine interfaces are gradually taking over our everyday life. At TNO Holst Centre we work on hybrid printed and flexible electronics technologies to enable this transition, by ...
The complex microbial ecosystem of our microbiome plays a crucial role in our health. Although metagenomic sequencing has provided detailed information about the composition of the microbiome, ...
Geopolitical and economic developments, and their impact on high-tech, are increasingly playing a role in the impact of innovations globally. Governments encourage companies and knowledge institutions ...
Anno 2025 bestaat Team Polar uit 42 gemotiveerde studenten met diverse achtergronden, die 10 verschillende academische majors ...
GPT-nl belooft niet alleen de concurrentie aan te gaan met internationale spelers als ChatGPT, maar ook een nieuwe standaard ...
Voor het eerst is onderzocht hoe Nederlanders denken over circulariteit van windturbines en windturbinebladen. Lees de bevindingen van de publieke opinie.