The spirit of Nongquase lives on in today's bureaucracy – the bureaucratic instinct is to kill every member in any threatened herd to ensure all sick ones die.
The Bogus Myths for the generation of occasional and unreliable electricity that also kills birds, bats, and whales and lays waste to farmlands and forests and oceansare numerous: 1. It is claimed ...
Embracing such a proposition avoids the more fundamental point about Trump: that he does know more than you think about what he wants and how he wants to achieve it. He is most certainly a disturbed ...
After 77 torturous years of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, punctuated by intense violence and wars, successive Netanyahu-led governments have shattered Jewish values to the core-values that have ...
Bureaucracy was studied last century, beginning with Max Weber's bureaucracy, culminating with Edgar Schein's Power within Organizations in the 1980s. Political analysis largely ignored the concept of ...
The current push in Australia to deploy nuclear power reactors once again contrasts an excessive optimism by nuclear proponents against the continuing stagnant situation of nuclear power worldwide.
Jim Falk is a Professorial Fellow in the School of Geography, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Melbourne and Emeritus Professor at the University of Wollongong.
Darrin Durant is Associate Professor in Science and Technology Studies at the University of Melbourne.
The Emergency Arab Summit for Palestine hosted by Egypt on March 4 has ignored President Trump's decisive stance on Gaza's future - declared on February 4: The US will take over the Gaza Strip, and we ...