Thirty-four senior officials detail government secret-keeping around UFOs, in the explosive documentary "The Age of ...
"Congress has redefined what were formerly called 'unidentified flying objects' [UFOs] to first 'unidentified aerial ...
The latest UFO/UAP hearing has brought forward new claims, eyewitness testimonies, and government disclosures about unidentified aerial phenomena. From military encounters to classified reports, this ...
The evidence, if you truly look at it, isn’t all that compelling: blurry black-and-white government video footage that shows ...
Fighter jet and Apache helicopter pilots share their firsthand experiences and expert analysis of UAP and UFO sightings. With ...
The Pentagon has officially launched an investigation into claims made by United States government contractor Jake Barber, who alleges he was involved in secret missions to recover alien technology.
And apart from the government-sanctioned UAP footage (which doesn’t have much ... and most of them are somber-looking white men. So they must be right! Right? They are unequivocal in what ...
The US Department of Defense has confirmed it is looking into the case of a whistleblower who claimed he was part of a team ...
It’s a legendary incident among those interested in UFOs - now more commonly referred to as UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon). But according to a new phone app that allows people to report ...
A little over four weeks ago, former U.S. Air Force pilot Jacob Barber stated that he believes he recovered alien technology ...
The White House did not respond to ... for the nation's highest military award is United American Patriots, or UAP, a nonprofit that has backed service members convicted or sentenced for war ...