"I wanted to create a way to prevent excessive and distracting noise when playing cornhole at parties and get-togethers," ...
Tossing High for CRI Cornhole Tournament is coming up later this month at Loopy's Grill and Saloon in Chippewa Falls.
The Midtown Event Center hosted a competitive cornhole regional tournament, the first in Norfolk, between the local 402 ...
After noticing single women struggle to find straight men, Tommy Flaim founded a cornhole league for people to meet in person ...
Dr. Ted Goudge, a Shenandoah native and retired Associate Professor of Geography at Northwest Missouri State University, has ...
There is more math to cornhole than people realize,”When PiDay rolls around, celebrations in schools across the area can ...
Clockwise from top left: A check-in table with name tags; Everardo Montoya says he found the event low pressure; a cornhole bag comes up short; Joe Wilhelm says he likes that "we're bringing back ...
The Home Nursing Agency Foundation is hosting the third annual Flashlight Egg Hunt on Friday, March 28, to benefit the ...