It has become increasingly unacceptable for BYU faculty members to display any rainbow images — pins, flags, posters.
Eventually, a group of silly cycling activists took it upon themselves to prank PBOT and doctor the stickers. Somehow I ended up with a collection of them (see above) and will bring them tonight. And ...
the Access Kit is sure to be a welcome addition to make life that bit easier for many. The Access Kit, including braille and tactile stickers, is available for $19 at GE Appliances. Unfortunately ...
Relive your youth without completely going back in time with these Backstreet Boys T-shirts and collectibles. By Tim Chan All products and services featured are independently chosen by editors ...
LOS ANGELES (AP) — A federal jury has awarded $7.25 million to a 74-year-old Arizona woman for a spine injury she suffered in a fall while exiting the Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride ...
CHICAGO (WLS) -- A water bill spiked from $3,000 to more than $26,000. The sticker shock led to panic and confusion.
Some retired federal workers were standing outside the Environmental Protection Agency, welcoming employees back with encouragement and a free cup of coffee.
"When those trucks show up they're already to go. All we got to do is put our stickers on them," said Dale Sandoval, the department's fleet manager. Unlike the department's custom-built fire ...
The gold phone sticker trend has taken on a strong social media dimension, with users actively engaging with and inspiring one another. This has created a powerful viral effect, attracting more ...
QR codes on graves in Munich: In what comes as a shocking development, approximately 1,000 stickers mysteriously appeared on gravestones and wooden crosses at three cemeteries, including ...
Los Angeles has reached peak bumper sticker: It’s now common to see cars displaying a rainbow of decals. Today’s stickers often mimic classic formulations from bumper stickers past and declare ...