The deadline for submission is March 14. Poets will have their poem on display in a Rutland downtown business front window during National Poetry Month from early April through the first week of May.
The Department of Philosophy and the Graduate Student Association of Philosophers is excited to present the 18th Annual Graduate Student Philosophy Conference! We will be joined by Justin D'Arms of ...
A unique program at Western Michigan University gets students up in the air as part of their aviation studies.
Nominees must (a) be in good academic standing; (b) be an enrolled WMU graduate student; (c) be enrolled full time in two consecutive semesters in an academic year; enrollment in both summer sessions ...
To be eligible to earn an advanced degree, students must fulfill appropriate requirements as established by their major department and the Graduate School, and have an approved Candidacy Application.
WMU graduate-student guard Hannah Spitzley (Westphalia) made third-team and the all-defensive team, while teammate Marina Asensio, a junior guard, made honorable-mention. The men's postseason ...
Western Michigan University’s president told his campus ... scholarships, housing, graduation ceremonies and campus life. The guidance is being challenged in court by the American Federation ...
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — As property tax deadlines approach, officials in West Michigan said scammers are increasing their efforts to take advantage of property owners. Kent County Treasurer Peter ...
A graduate student with more than 10 total in-progress credit hours (including transfer credit) A third-year law student Dear [first], Do you intend to graduate in May? If so, please make note of ...
Please refer to the tables below for the refund schedule (deadline) for tuition due to drops and term withdrawals for Fall 2025. For Fall, the refund schedule (deadline) after the add/drop period (as ...