As explained in Romans 8:9-11, “However, you are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to ...
never again abandon it. Do not ask yourself how much this is going to cost you; look at only how much it is worth. This has always been the case: What is worth a lot costs a lot. And what is the ...
St Patrick’s Day is celebrated on March 17 because it’s believed to be the anniversary of his death in the year 461. Irish ...
The phrase appeared on thousands of pages unrelated to Jane Austen before and during her life – and was a favorite phrase of ...
Construct new correctional centres to ease overcrowding.
“The world is being inundated by the brazen conviction that power can do anything, justice nothing,” the man who had spent ...
The impossibility of conveying in ordinary Yiddish the experience of walking through the empty streets of one’s eradicated ...
Historians agree that St Patrick was born in 373 AD in one of two possible locations - Dumbarton in Scotland or on the west ...
“All should hasten without delay to be born again unto God, and afterwards to be signed by the Bishop, that is, to receive the sevenfold grace of the Holy Spirit…as has been handed down to us ...
If you are not rooted in the Gospel, then false teaching can decimate your shallow faith. You can only defeat lies by holding ...
La Faye Duren has played the pipe organ at Second Baptist Church, adding a classical flavor to African American spirituals.
Explore the intellectual interplay between Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Prof. John Dewey's pragmatism in understanding societal ...