Hans News Service New Delhi Teenagers and adolescents who spend more than three hours a day engaged in sedentary behaviours - which includes playing video games or increased screen exposure ...
A second method of measuring sedentary behavior is subjective, in which people answer a questionnaire about how much time they spend sedentary, watching TV, playing video games, working, or ...
Teenagers and adolescents who spend more than three hours a day engaged in sedentary behaviours — which includes playing ...
New research has found that, when practiced in healthy finite sessions, online video gaming can improve important ...
Adolescents who spend more than three hours a day engaged in sedentary behaviors – including playing video games, reading for leisure or spending a lot of time distracted by screens – have a ...
Researchers investigate whether different types and contexts of sedentary behavior lead to psychological distress later on in ...
Different types of sedentary behavior impact adolescent mental health, with excessive leisure screen time linked to higher psychological distress, while educational activities appear to have a ...
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