The purge, which also targeted multiple webpages about women and LGBTQ service members, highlights how aggressively military ...
80 years ago, American and Japanese troops were locked in one of the fiercest and bloodiest battles of the Pacific theatre in ...
These photographs do not merely document reality; they often serve as catalysts for change, provoking thought, inspiring ...
The 4th Division’s combat casualties rose to 8,094. On March 11, the 20th day after the landing, the 4th Division reached the ocean and overcame enemy resistance. On the division’s right flank, the ...
His 10 days at Iwo Jima were a “terrible, terrible experience with dead people everywhere,” he told Stars and Stripes in a ...
They are part of the Greatest Generation and survivors of one of the bloodiest battles in U.S. history. As their numbers ...
In a welcome break from cold winter days at home, the members of the Shadrach Bond Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), met on Feb. 21 at ...
On February 23, members of the Brevard County Detachment of the Marine Corps League on Merritt Island hosted a get-together at Beef O’Brady’s of Melbourne in honor and remembrance of those whose ...
A campaign for these descendants to live on the island has been met with decades of resistance by the Japanese government The ...
President Donald Trump has made two restrictions on the free press since taking office two months ago and both are unprecedented in modern times and strike at the backbone of the fourth estate.
Iwo Jima (Ioto Island) is seen in this photo taken from a Mainichi Shimbun aircraft on Oct. 30, 2023. (Mainichi/Koichiro Tezuka) Before the war, more than 1,000 people lived on the island ...
But if one had to nominate a particular group of WWII American fighting men for the title of “Greatest of the Greatest Generation,” then the troops who fought at Iwo Jima certainly have to be ...