Plants and animals need health lands and waters to live on the Colorado Plateau. Here's what we're doing to help beaver, ...
The pronghorn, known for its distinctive fanning horns which ... Physically robust with strong legs and expansive hooves, mountain goats stand about 1 meter at the shoulder. Large males can exceed 120 ...
Graeme Parker, better known as the Hoof GP, has become a social media sensation, offering a fresh perspective on a vital yet often overlooked area of agriculture – hoof care for cattle. Through his ...
Restrictions against eating “unclean meats/animals with a cloven hoof" is one of those subjects that Christians often think they can skip over because “it’s just an Old Testament dietary law." But ...
“We put weight on them and we give them the best care we possibly can.” LeAnn Guelker has been caring for the animals with stripes, horns, and hooves, including Cleveland the Clydesdale. Now, the ...