Choose a planting site for rhubarb which receives a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight, free from the shade of trees or ...
In Fielding Questions, Don Kinzler also shares the best time and method for cleaning out perennial garden beds.
My neighbor starts planting his vegetable garden a month before I do. I’m worried about frost if I plant too early. What do you recommend?
Fill your planters and hanging baskets with these easy to grow, colorful container plants and flowers for shade gardens.
Likely, the end of winter signaled the start of your spring garden to-do list. Finish up your pre-growing-season chores by ...
Just because poppies won’t blanket our hills like in previous years, doesn’t mean there won’t be beautiful flowers to admire ...
Sting (Thuja occidentalis) was bred by Tim Wood, a prolific plant breeder who has introduced numerous popular plants over the years. Sting has a mature height of 4.6-6.1 metres and an impossibly ...
At this time of the year, we need plants that can tolerate heavy spring rain, cool night temperatures and even a light frost, ...
Fertilization of gardens and landscapes typically begins in April after soils have warmed. With fertilization, one size (or ...