As the show flowed, Mr. Ackermann maintained the straight-backed architecture that makes Tom Ford suits a genuine benchmark ...
The house of Ford is all about vanity,” said Ackermann after his hormonal show, which mused on American Psycho and mornings ...
A 'gorgeous and funny aunt' and a former ICI worker are among the loved ones being paid tribute to in The Gazette's deaths ...
Star-Telegram: Talking about that tone of satire, Patrick Bateman in this movie ... maybe it’s the apartment and the and the clothes and the sense of entitlement, or the idea of someone getting ...
Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho ... on account of his good hair, designer clothes, great physique, and adequate business card. Perhaps funniest of all is the subversion of the ...
Legend has it that various designers, not wanting their clothes to be associated with psychopath Patrick Bateman’s mass murders, put conditions in their contracts that didn’t allow their garments to ...
For a young, bright man, uncertain of his place in the world, the title conjures up Rorschach images of red braces and long lunches and guys with power telephones and improbable haircuts – Gordon ...
Jason Bateman does his best to defend Gotham City from its most vile villains in a new State Farm commercial, Batman vs.