Many of today's everyday items are destined to become fossils after millions of years, but scientists have suggested that ...
Seteweela, a 14-year-old golden eagle originally from the San Francisco area, was rendered flightless at about the age of 3 ...
On Monday, the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced its plan to lower Massachusetts residents' energy bills by $220 ...
Solar and energy storage accounted for 84% of new electricity generation capacity added to the U.S. power grid last year, but ...
Strong, damaging winds caused more than 80,000 power outages Friday, as wind alerts remained in place through the early ...
RWE Offshore Wind Services, LLC said in a notice filed with state regulators Friday it will cut its Boston-area workforce by ...
For years, some people have claimed the sound of wind turbines is a problem. They’d say it disrupts sleep, it causes ...
New Jersey ratepayers deserve better than the current Energy Master Plan. An “all of the above” approach would end the ...
The iguanas are certainly the largest invasive critter out in Waimanalo but local farmers told KHON2 that the unholy trinity ...
Old, discarded wind turbine blades don't biodegrade. They do, however, float if sealed. Finnish startup Reverlast is ...
There are also efforts to make future wind turbine blades easier to recycle from the get-go. Researchers are working on epoxy ...
Vineyard Wind began testing its aircraft detection lighting system on 12 offshore turbines this week, aiming to reduce ...