The retired 76-year-old professor of political science was already serving an 18-month sentence for criticizing the Iranian ...
The recent move of one of Australia’s premier art institutions to censor two instances of Palestinian protest material is a ...
"The American role was a positive role and in the interest of Syria and the Syrians," an SDF political wing adviser told ...
Israel says it has cut the flow of electricity to the last facility in Gaza that was still receiving power from the Israel ...
The move, which will mainly affect a single wastewater treatment plant, appeared intended to put pressure on Hamas.
While what seemed like a positive initiative at first to prevent yearly confusion across the country, several social media users noticed the Israeli flag behind Rick Scott and expressed concern ...
Mahmoud Muna looked on in in disbelief as plain-clothes Israeli police officers rifled the shelves in his decades-old ...
The move is part of an escalating pressure campaign, but the Palestinian enclave gets most of its power from generators.
Cohen’s office circulated a letter sent to the IEC ordering it to stop selling electricity to Gaza power stations. However, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel that Cohen’s decision ...
The letter from Israel's energy minister to the Israel Electric Corporation tells it to stop selling power to Gaza. The territory and its infrastructure have been largely devastated, and most ...
The Heritage Foundation is proposing that the U.S. wind down military aid to Israel as part of a strategy to “re-orient its relationship” with the country over the next two decades, a notable ...