Is there anything better than perusing the aisles of Trader Joe's, looking for the latest addition to their ever-growing ...
Hershey ended a turbulent 2024 relatively well while surging cocoa prices affected the company. Derivative hedges eased earnings pressure in 2024 against stagnating adjusted earnings. After a more ...
This is all good news, if one is to assume that the negative impact on Hershey's earnings will be limited to only one year. Even though cocoa prices will stabilize at some point, this seems as a ...
With the industry and Hershey's dependence on West African countries for cocoa (areas known to utilize ... as governments attempted to thwart the spread of covid. Even though most markets have ...
Stacy Taffet, with 15 years of CPG experience, will be responsible for growing the company's expanding snacks portfolio that includes Reese's and Dot's pretzels.