Alexis Castillo-Perez assisted Rico’s goal. Goalie Adrian Fernandez made three saves for the Wildcatz (6-7-6, 5-5-2), and teammate Carlos Rodriquez played 20 minutes in goal and made two saves.
By Mike Hutchens, UC Schools Communications Director Union City’s high school tennis teams bounced back from season-opening ...
Kaden Hess also went two for four with a stolen base. Other batting contributors versus Hillsborough were junior Justin Edward with one for one and a swiped base; senior Jan Carlos Rodriquez with ...
Carlos Rodriquez, Lores, and Pizarro are also LCDA members, Navarro also noted. Progress has yet to be made for Latinas Esther Aguilera, President and CEO, stated that “historically, Latinos have been ...
Sophomore Evan Vessey had three hits, three RBI and scored a run, and Monte Vista Christian School's baseball team beat visiting North Salinas 12-2 in the teams' five inning nonleague game Tuesday.