BL Agro to invest ₹3,000 crore in animal science sector, focusing on breeding indigenous cows and milk processing.
Dairy farms have expanded steadily since the 1970s and now compete for economic strength with beef cattle operations.
Beef-on-dairy crossbreeding is the latest step in the evolution of dairy genetics and is now a key driver of the U.S. supply ...
At Stotz Dairy, there are two cow breeds: Holstein and Jersey. Holstein, known for their iconic black-and-white spots, is the most common breed in dairy farming. They produce more milk.
the family dairy farm has grown to about 1,000 acres, adding a barn, fields of crops, a small growing herd of beef stock and a handful of silos. They carefully breed their cows, selecting the best ...
Dairy farmer Katie Shultz has turned her passion for cattle into a career, mentoring youth and excelling in livestock fitting ...
CID’s Organized Crime Department Additional DIG Ekramul Habib said that Sadeeq Agro had been selling domestic cows and goats at inflated prices by falsely advertising them as foreign breeds ... Cattle ...
While a dairy cake from East Coast Viners is fed to yield ... bought in 2017 is due with her 9th calf in June. He aims to breed cows of a decent type with good fat and protein, good feet and legs, and ...
Bheem, a 9-year-old male buffalo of the Murrah breed, was the star attraction during the three-day fishery and dairy festival (Matsya-Pranee Samavesh ... the farmers were attracted to the ...