Scientists say a concerning genetic mutation has appeared in H5N1 bird flu infected cats living in a New Jersey suburb of New ...
Another chicken flock tests positive for bird flu in Mississippi. What are the risks? How do I know if I have it? What you ...
Seteweela, a 14-year-old golden eagle originally from the San Francisco area, was rendered flightless at about the age of 3 ...
Some states have wildlife rehabilitation centers staffed by a mix of government employees and volunteers, but not Louisiana.
Shirley Mast, of Lancaster, seconds Carl’s suet suggestion. It helped attract to her city yard the ruby-crowned kinglet that ...
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is testing additional birds in Adams, Outagamie, Racine and Waukesha counties, DNR Health Section Supervisor Jasmine Batten told the Journal Sentinel.
Think Wild, Central Oregon’s wildlife hospital and conservation center, said Wednesday it recently rescued and is caring for ...
As birds begin to migrate north for the Summer, there’s a lot of concern this season about the disease they may be ...
Officials are urging pet owners not to feed their pets raw food or raw milk and to avoid letting them roam outside.
There are 70 confirmed cases of the bird flu among humans in the U.S., as of Tuesday. The CDC said the current public health ...
No new human cases of avian influenza have been reported, and poultry infections are low so far in March. But infections in cats are continuing, and new research is raising concerns about the virus ...
To help better understand the situation at hand, Meowtel used data from the Department of Agriculture to explore the risk of ...