U.S. Air Force Special Ops Expands Role Of Crop Duster-Derived OA-1K is available to both Aviation Week & Space Technology and AWIN subscribers. Subscribe now to read this content, plus receive ...
The propeller-driven Skyraider II pays homage to the Cold War-era propeller plane that delivered close air support during the Vietnam War.
John Long is an Air Force officer currently participating in the Director’s Fellowship at the National Security Agency. His leadership experience includes squadron, troop, and flight command in a ...
This year’s uniform and helmet honored Air Force Special Operations Command. The helmet integrated ... highlights the Air Force Special Tactics logo with a lightning bolt, green feet, and ...
Monroe, who has served as commander of the 319th Reconnaissance Wing and Grand Forks Air Force Base since June 2023, ...
Today, the Air Force has five distinct missions: air superiority and ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance), rapid global mobility, global strike, and command and control. As the ...
The Department of the Air Force Office of Special Trial Counsel has released a year in review after a little more than a year ...
Florida has a large number of federal government workers. There are concentrations in regions with military bases and space ...
President Donald Trump’s new nominee for the highest military officer in the land earned his stars through a long storied ...
Brown is an F-16 pilot who racked up 3,000 flight hours, 130 of which were in combat, before going on to be Air Force commander ... who headed U.S. Special Operations Command, and Rumsfeld wanted ...
Slife led Air Force Special Operations Command prior to becoming the service's vice chief of staff and had deployed to the Middle East and Afghanistan. He told The Associated Press on Friday ...