According to the Vatican, there have been 266 popes in the Catholic Church starting with St. Peter and going all the way up to the current pontiff, Pope Francis
And there are no specific norms outlining what happens to the leadership of the Catholic Church if a pope becomes totally incapacitated. As a result, even though Pope Francis remains hospitalized in critical condition with a complex lung infection ...
Who leads the Catholic Church when the Pope is sick? - Nothing has changed in his status, role or power since Francis was elected the 266th pope on March 13, 2013
The Vatican has detailed laws and rituals to ensure the transfer of power when a pope dies or resigns, but not when he is sick.
Francis has weighed in publicly before on ethics for end-of-life medical situations, but it is unknown whether he has made known his own wishes should he face such a crossroads.
A legislative gap in the Vatican's laws leaves Pope Francis in charge despite his severe illness. An initiative to rectify this has gained support, suggesting a process involving medical evaluations and the college of cardinals to manage the Church in case of papal incapacity.