The City Corporation is committed to creating spaces that enhance the quality of life for our residents and the community. As part of this commitment, we are planning a £10m refurbishment of the ...
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Hampstead Mixed Pond is currently open for Ladies-only swimming. Hampstead Mixed Pond is currently open for Ladies only swimming. Please see the Hampstead Mixed Pond webpage for further details.
To use the highway adjacent to their premises to place removable furniture to be used by persons for consumption of food or drink supplied from or in connection with the use of the premises on the ...
Kenwood Ladies' Pond is closed for essential maintenance works. We will reopen completion of these works. Please see the Kenwood Ladies' Pond webpage for further details.
Pilgrim Street Draft TMO SUDs Road Markings & Signs PDF (1MB) ...
Please note: Applications for the LONDON E-Business Support Programme are no longer being accepted by us. If you are in a borough other than City of London or Tower Hamlets, please find your nearest ...
To permit the sale of alcohol on and off the premises, 12pm – 10pm Monday to Saturday, 12pm - 9pm Sunday. To provide recorded music, 12pm – 10pm Monday to Saturday, 12pm - 9pm Sunday. A record of this ...
Ben Murphy, Chairman of City of London Corporation's Epping Forest and Commons Committee, works tirelessly to ensure that London's ancient forest is properly managed for the benefit of all. Read his ...