The word mycotoxin is often talked about in the same way that one would talk about bad news — and it can be for dairy farmers ...
With growing evidence linking high sugar intake to chronic health issues, the dairy industry is working to reduce sugar in ...
The invisible cow is one that you see three times a year: at calving, breeding, and then again at dry off. This is a cow that ...
Those 6,900 additional cull cows aren’t headline making by themselves. What is top of fold for a newspaper is the fact that ...
The start of 2025 marks a milestone for the U.S. dairy industry: the complete elimination of tariffs on dairy products under ...
January was a tough month in our house. There were snow days, extreme cold, respiratory viruses, and stomach bugs on top of work travel, sports, and everything in between. It was certainly a challenge ...
Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) president and chief executive officer Dennis Rodenbaugh was elected chair of the board of directors at the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy during the checkoff-founded ...
The information below has been supplied by dairy marketers and other industry organizations. It has not been edited, verified or endorsed by Hoard’s Dairyman. Holstein Association USA is excited to ...
As a dairy farmer and an individual that spends 99% of their day outside, I wish you would reconsider your previous prediction of six more weeks of winter. This winter has lasted long enough. Although ...
Ugh. Feelings. I’m not a huge fan. Feelings are confusing. And my feelings about and because of farming are vast and varied. Then you have to add other people and their feelings to the mix.