The once-obscure Office of Personnel Management, essentially the human resources department of the federal government, is now ...
The office's acting director argued in a memo that during the Biden administration career human resources people implemented ...
Judge William Alsup, who presided over the case, said the administration’s argument was not credible and ordered both the Jan ...
After a weekend of confusion, the Trump administration on Monday afternoon told federal agencies they don't have to direct ...
The Office of Personnel Management said it can process pensions entirely digitally, in two days, in a video promoted by Elon ...
OPM employees working remotely can decline the management-directed reassignment, but with the understanding their choice will ...
“The implications of this are significant, including potential delays in mission-critical acquisitions, contract lapses, and ...
The Office of Personnel Management email Wednesday to remote workers, some thousands of miles from Washington, told them they ...
The biggest barrier, according to an OPM official, congressional staffers, VA employees and veterans' organizations is that human resources officials across the federal government can no longer ...
He said, "I use tithes and offerings from OPM Church to care for over 500 children, and not government allocations.