Following is a full transcript of the video. Steven:We are gathered here today to celebrate Ruby and Sapphire. Narrator: You're looking at the first LGBTQ wedding in a kids' animated show.
Cartoon shows like Sponge Bob Square Pants ... however argue that you cannot turn a child gay by exposing them to gay characters in cartoons or movies, and the tag of war continues.
Like everyone else in the show, he has a high sense of drama and flair that, while it doesn't make up for his actions, means ...
Disney Pixar has introduced its first explicitly Christian character in almost 20 years in the same animated series from ...
This character gave the British comedian a ... one of the most exciting voices in comedy right now, and the queer comedian got to show off his skills as the pathological-lying and attention ...
A live-action movie was nearly made for the duo The duo co-hosted the Saturday Night Live: The Best of TV Funhouse special The characters were created by Robert Smigel for The Dana Carvey Show ...
They've given us queer-coded villains, background characters that may be lesbians ... Searcher has no issues with his son being gay, and he even shows an earnest enthusiasm when Ethan's crush ...
the decision to kill these characters in droves sends a toxic message about the worth of queer female stories.” Though the percentage of black series regular characters is at a record high ...
so it’s nice to see Australia-based queer writer-directors Emma Hough Hobbs and Leela Varghese try something different with their animated musical comedy Lesbian Space Princess, which is set ...