Long pages are pages with a high amount of content. This listing is sorted by longest page. Some long pages may need to be broken into multiple smaller pages, though not all.
There are more books with “Napoleon” in their titles than there have been days since the death of the French emperor and general in 1821. So reports Andrew Roberts in his magisterial biography ...
Total War: Napoleon), whereas others, like a reworked research system, are brand new for the mobile version. An in-depth explanation of the major changes can be found on Feral Interactive's ...
Frustrated by Portugal's defiance of his Continental Blockade against trade with Great Britan, Napoleon ordered General Jerot to march French troops over the Pyrenees. On November 30, French ...
proclaiming a War of German Liberation. But the people of Bavaria, who had profited from Napoleon's earlier defeat of Austria, rallied once again around Napoleon as he assembled his troops for battle.