Ross Mathews was utterly stunned to hear that his bestie Drew Barrymore doesn’t shower after going in the ocean. On this ...
"Not a single witness, be they expert witness, party guest or any other, has said that Mr Barrymore played any part in how he met his death in the swimming pool that night." He said the expert ...
Police are investigating the death of a man found in TV entertainer Michael Barrymore's swimming pool following a wild party. The man, in his 20s, was found early yesterday stripped to his ...
Michael Barrymore is set to speak in public for the first time this week about the tragic events that led to a man being found dead in his swimming pool last March. The troubled entertainer has ...
A man found floating in Michael Barrymore's swimming pool was the victim of a serious sexual assault shortly before his death, an inquest heard yesterday. Stuart Lubbock sustained appalling ...
Drew Barrymore was once ... invited to [her] house” to use her pool. “I’ll clean myself and I’ll get all prepped and then I can come over and swim,” Barrymore promised, before adding ...
Traces of cocaine, and other drugs, were found in Mr Lubbock's body after he was discovered floating in Barrymore's swimming-pool last March. According to dustman Justin Merritt, who was at the ...
Television presenter Michael Barrymore was "drunk and foul-mouthed" the night a man was found floating in the swimming pool at his luxury home, an inquest heard today. Stuart Lubbock, 31 ...
The charges come after the drowning of Stuart Lubbock, whose body was found in the comedian's swimming pool after a party at his £2million mansion. Barrymore, 49, who is currently abroad ...